Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Budding Artist

Alex wants to be an artist like our friend Angel when she grows up. Some of this comes from the fact that Billie and I have always had the art supplies available and open at all times. Alex also adores Angel.

So with that being said, this little sculpture came home from school. Take a good look at it...

Is it...
A. A piece of petrified dog poop? (my thought)
B. A penis? (Billie's thought)
or C. A snowman?

Well, it is a snowman. Art truly is in the eye of the beholder.

Have a great weekend!


Samantha said...

great job alex! but why is penis always billie's answer to everything? :-)

Leslie said...

HAHAAA Cute post!

Art and Soul Photography said...

totally thought snowman!!!! we have a true little artist on our hands! I just love that little much! adorable post!!!!